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About ABP

The Archiving Black Performance, a multi-year project establishes a vision for the transmission of identity and race through the embodiment of repertory acquisition of internationally acclaimed Black women performers and choreographers. 

Our mission elevates, via performance, oral history, archival research, summer workshops, digital preservation, communication methods, and publication, dances of these women as represented through Black lives and Black bodies. 


Funding and Support:

Archiving Black Performance is funded through the Center and Institutes Grants of the Global Arts and Humanities Discovery Themes, The Office of Diversity and Inclusion Seed Fund for Racial Justice, and Humanities without Walls Seed Grant. The project is made possible through partnerships with the Dance Notation Bureau Extension Center for Education and Research, the African American and African Studies Community Extension Center, Lawrence and Lee Theatre Research Institute, the Frank W. Hale, Jr. Black Cultural Center, Thiossane West African Dance Institute, Paul Taylor Dance Company, Bebe Miller Company, Dancing Legacy, The Lincoln Theatre, and Wexner Center for the Arts.