- General Public $21.50
- OSU Faculty, Staff, Alumni Assoc. $16.50
- Senior Citizens $16.50
- Students, Children $16.50
The Ohio State University Department of Dance presents their annual Dance Downtown concert this fall on November 13 and 14 at the Capital Theatre, Riffe Center. This year’s line up showcases choreographers and student performers in an impressive collection of dances.
Three shorter pieces created by faculty Dave Covey, Mitchell Rose and Norah Zuniga-Shaw are interspersed between longer works by Bebe Miller and Daniel Roberts. Additionally, visiting artist and Bessie award winner Eddie Taketa restages a Doug Varone piece. The exploration of relationships tempered by the abstraction of story runs through each piece in distinctive fashion.
Master Choreographer Doug Varone’s Of the Earth Far Below," is characterized by energetic movement accompanied by Steve Reich’s spirited music. Dancers tumble and collide in rapid fire coming and goings generating visceral responses for the viewer. Original cast member, now visiting artist in residence, Eddie Taketa sets this work on OSU dancers.*

New faculty member and former dancer in Merce Cunningham’s company, Daniel Roberts, brings his artistry as dancer and musician to the stage. His work, Pacific Trace, inspired by the diversity of environments found on the big island of Hawaii, is defined by robust choreography and powerful music.
Distinguished faculty and alum Bebe Miller addresses manifestations of human interactions in Events and Other So-Called Virtues. People come and go, building narratives and leaving a trail of connections and quizzical interactions. The dance work is accompanied by familiar pop music.
In Lets Make Climate Change?, faculty member Norah Zuniga-Shaw employs dance improvisation and multimedia to contemplate the changing climate and distant forces of change in our lives.
Professor and alum Dave Covey uses large glass vessels, light, sound, and video to create a changing landscape reminiscent of deep sea diving. In Orb, the primary mover is the light while dancers invisibly aid in the manipulation of the glass bubbles in this multimedia work.
Faculty member Mitchell Rose’s dance uses humor to explore the idea that “You can’t judge a book by its cover, but you can tell a lot about a dance by its beginning.”
The concert, as a whole, demonstrates the diversity of choreography represented by OSU dance faculty.
Tickets are available through the OSU Theater Box Office 614 – 292-2295 or or by calling CAPA at 614-469-0939.
* The performance of Of the Earth Far Below is presented by arrangement with Dova,Inc., Doug Varone and Dancers.