January 31, 2019
All Day
Barnett Theatre, Sullivant Hall, 1813 N. High Street
February 1, 2019
All Day
Barnett Theatre, Sullivant Hall, 1813 N. High Street
February 2, 2019
All Day
Barnett Theatre, Sullivant Hall, 1813 N. High Street
February 2, 2019
All Day
Barnett Theatre, Sullivant Hall, 1813 N. High Street
Undergraduate and graduate students present solo and group works that highlight a range of choreographic ideas and concepts they’ve explored throughout the year, including:
- Positions, by Alexandra Cassidy, which shares the different direction changes that you go through in life and how you shift your position constantly.
- A piece from Brooke Tinsley, in collaboration with the dancers, titled Incessant Fluctuations, which reflects the natural tendency to constantly return to what is known amid an endlessly changing pathway.
- duet, by Emily Kilroy, a duet in collaboration with a sturdy piece of metal. It explores an intimate relationship between institutional structures, sexuality and the music of Nat King Cole.
- [deep breathing on I-71], by Jacqueleen Bordjadze, which is about shifting focus, exchanges in energy flow and habitual ways of relating.
- DANCE WITH ME!, by Kali Cjekaj and Yildiz Guventurk, which emerged primarily as a class study on discovering baroque music and its connection with dance material. This duet turned into a little playful story where the two dancers chose to explore a narrative through kinesthetic relationship with each other.
- Spandex Mouse, by Sutton Coffey, which is a piece that started as a study on repetition of phrase work and music. Coffey used the process as a way to experiment with movement generation and physicality to create something original and rigorous. This work became a meditation on himself and masculinity through dance.
- And other works by
Josh Anderson & Laura DeAngelis
Demetra Chiafos, Davianna Green, Emily Arden Jones & Alizé Raptou