The Sullivant Hall renovation is making great progress! After a flurry of activity these past few months, you may have noticed how quiet it has become. The trailers and dumpsters are gone, and so are all the windows and the east and west steps! This means that the demolition phase of the project is complete and the construction phase has begun.
In the meantime, we are completing the design phase for the entire building, which will house the Department of Dance, the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum, the Department of Arts Administration, Education and Policy, the Advanced Center for Computer Art and Design, the Barnett Center for Integrated Arts and Enterprise and the Barnett Theatre. The scope of the project expanded from its initial stages, so the design phase is larger and more complex then when we began. But things are proceeding along, and construction is well under way.
We have had several meetings over the summer to continue design reviews, maximizing the fullest potentials of this project specific to each discipline, and to pave the way for rich interdisciplinary teaching and research that will take us far into the future. The building, and all of the users, will become the cornerstone to the University Arts Corridor.
All teaching, research and performance spaces will be equipped with the latest technologies and will be designed to be receptive to new ones in the future. This has been an overriding discussion, of how to make the physical space responsive to the fast pace of technological development. New windows will be added to the east and west sides of the building, increasing the amount of natural light and “open” up the building to the main campus. Like wise, the east and west entrances will be re-graded to street level, with a much more open, inviting and accessible presence.
The Department of Dance is thrilled to be a part of this project and wishes to extend a big shout out of thanks to the architecture team, the project manager, the Deans, and all the other users with whom we will share the building, for their conscientious, thorough and thoughtful work resulting in what will be an amazing center of creativity, teaching and research.
Watch our Sullivant Hall Renovation Blog for more updates and photos in the future!