Last April, family, friends and colleagues of Ohio State Dance Emerita Professor Lucy Venable gathered in 390 Sullivant Hall to celebrate Venable’s remarkable life and career. Out of respect for her wishes for an informal gathering, guests sat in a big circle in the studio sharing stories, thoughts and memories of their various, and frequently humorous, interactions, experiences and teachable moments with Venable. It was fun to hear the variety of anecdotes unique to everyone’s special relationship with her. We also decided to collect remembrances of Venable on our RSVP page and we printed them to share with everyone who attended the event.
“Ohio State Dance Emerita Professor Lucy Venable played a critical role in establishing Ohio State as an international center for Labanotation and Laban Studies,” says Department Chair Susan Hadley. “Her work helped to preserve the history of modern dance so that we can continue to bring it alive in the present. Her legacy continues to have a lasting impact on our department.”

Lucy Venable died peacefully Tuesday morning, January 29, 2019. She is survived by her five nieces and their families. She was preceded in death by her brother and parents and was laid to rest in the family plot in Charleston, West Virginia.