Ohio State Dance integrates somatic practices into our curriculum, offering Pilates reformer, Pilates mat, yoga, Bartenieff Fundamentals and Alexander Technique classes. We are very fortunate to have had Alexander Technique International (ATI) certified instructor Dale Beaver on our somatics team. As the director of Health and Wellness for the Ohio State School of Music, Beaver taught Alexander Technique classes for the School of Music, Department of Theatre and Department of Dance for many years.
“A proven approach to pain relief, self-care, and skills improvement, The Alexander Technique (AT) is a method that people of all ages and abilities can learn to relieve the pain and stress caused by everyday misuse of the body,” says the Alexander Technique Guild of Ohio. “The Technique has been used all over the world for more than a century, by people from all walks of life, from famous actors to musicians with RSI or tendonitis, to computer users and athletes with chronic back problems.”
This year, Beaver announced that he is stepping down from his role teaching Alexander Technique at Ohio State. The Department of Dance thanks him for his many years of service to our students and we wish him well as he continues his important work in the bodymind field with the Alexander Technique Guild of Ohio. We welcome Diana McCullough as our new Alexander teacher. She trained with Beaver, who trained with Lucy Venable, who trained with Marjorie Barstow, thus continuing an illustrious line of Alexander practitioners.