The Body in Code

August 24, 2018

The Body in Code

Code and the World

Ohio State Dance Professor Norah Zuniga Shaw’s co-creation with Maria Palazzi and choreographer William Forsythe, Synchronous Objects is featured currently at the Pompidou Center in Paris. The work is part of the exhibition Coder le Monde/Coding the World presenting the history and current state of contemporary digital creation in different disciplines. The curators write “returning to the history of the digital code and the way in which artists have seized it since the advent of the computer in the 1960s, the exhibition reveals a common aesthetic and critical universe that questions our daily life entirely irrigated by digital logics. Articulated around six timelines, the exhibition exposes multiple correspondences in the logic of creation and offers a global readability of what constitutes a culture of the digital.” The exhibition runs from June 15 - August 27, 2018.

Synchronous Objects

Synchronous Objects