Professor Bebe Miller launches e-book

On March 30, Professor Bebe Miller launched Dance Fort: A History, an interactive e-book available through The Ohio State University's Digital Bookstore. Developed with support from the Office of Distance Education and eLearning and the Batelle Endowment for Technology and Human Affairs, the book offers a glimpse into the process of creating a dance work.
In her preface, Miller writes: “Dance works are made of a mix of ideas, physical practice, happenstance, forgetting, remembering, minor epiphanies and daily discoveries, joined together piece-by- piece, over time. One of the goals of both the dance performance and the digital book is to learn and understand the archive of work that lives within a dancer’s memory and body, what he or she carries. ”
Miller and dramaturg Talvin Wilks, her frequent collaborator, gave a talk in Sullivant Hall about the process of creating Dance Fort: A History on April 2nd as part of the book's launch.
Check out the book here.