Professor Susan Van Pelt Petry's Essay Published by The Activist History Review

September 29, 2020

Professor Susan Van Pelt Petry's Essay Published by The Activist History Review

Susan Petry's Process Notes

Breathing Room

Perhaps there is a little piece of utopia in every struggle, or perhaps the actual fight through the struggle is utopic.

by Susan Van Pelt Petry

When the pandemic of COVID19 really entered our American households, and the stay-at-home orders evolved, the degree of anxiety and bewilderment in me warranted action. As an artist, my instinct was to respond to this new era through making choreography that would attempt to encapsulate the emotions, traumas, and social upheavals stirred up by the pandemic. I set myself an assignment to make 19 (that number for obvious reasons) videos (because live performance was going to be impossible), each with a different angle, hook, and subject matter.