Screening the Skin: Issues of Race and Nation in Screendance

June 21, 2018

Screening the Skin: Issues of Race and Nation in Screendance


We are thrilled to announce the publication of Screening the Skin: Issues of Race and Nation in Screendance, Volume 9 of The International Journal of Screendance. Guest editors Melissa Blanco Borelli and Raquel Monroe have gathered together a wonderful group of artists and scholars for this issue. Their editorial precedes the following articles, provocations, interviews, and reviews, available online in both PDF and HTML formats: 

Intimate Visualities: Intimacy as Social Critique and Radical Possibility in Kyle Abraham and Carrie Schneider’s Dance Response Project’s I am Sold and Blood on the Leaves, by Stephanie Leigh Batiste

Dis/Orientation: Rhythmic Bodies and Corporeal Orature in The Fits, by Elena Benthaus

“Fresher Than You”: Commercial Use of YouTube-Native Dance and Videographic Techniques, by Alex Harlig

Scratching the Surface of Spectacle: Black Hypermasculinity and the Television Talent Show, by Laura Robinson

Magic MikeDirty Dancing, and the (Empty) Promise of Heteromasculinity, by Addie Tsai

Choreographing “ChinAfrica” through Transnational Encounter, by Jingqiu Guan

Curatorial Practices for Intersectional Programming, by Cara Hagan

Narrative Shifts: Race, Culture, and the Production of Screendance, by Marcus White

Danced Out: When Passing for Almost Straight Is Not Enough, by Mark Broomfield

A Conversation with Abbey, by Michael Sakamoto and Angella Betina Carlos

Bodies in Confined Sites, or, ‘When You Go Out, Let Them Know That We Are Not Monsters’, by Ariadne Mikou

We thank and congratulate the guest editors and contributors for their hard work. We invite you to spend time with the newest issue, browse older issues, submit to our next issue, and to share IJSD with colleagues and students. IJSD is an open-access journal, and we thank The Ohio State University Libraries for supporting this enterprise. We additionally thank the Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE) at Coventry University for their ongoing support. 

With best wishes,

Harmony Bench and Simon Ellis

Editors of The International Journal of Screendance

Harmony Bench, PhD 

Associate Professor of Dance History and Theory
Affiliated Faculty: Theatre, Folklore, Translational Data Analytics, 
and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
The Ohio State University
Department of Dance 
305 Sullivant Hall, 1813 N. High Street, Columbus, OH 43210 

Co-Editor, International Journal of Screendance:
Movement on the Move: