Dance Wellness Appointments

Make an Appointment

The Performing Arts Medicine (PAM) team will be providing services in Sullivant Hall 291 every Friday during Autumn and Spring semesters. To schedule your appointment, please follow these instructions:

  1. Go to
  2. Left hand side click services
  3. Click Department of Dance
  4. Click on date you want to schedule
  5. Choose time
  6. First time you will have to create a new profile 

This service is private and only you will see your appointment time. Once appointment times are taken, they will no longer be available to sign up. If you are having difficulty finding an appointment time that works for you, please email

Please be respectful to each other when making appointments. If you cannot make your appointment, please email us or cancel your appointment (through your confirmation email) so that others can use the time if needed. If you no show 3 times within one calendar year you are no longer allowed to utilize this service. 

Dance Wellness Policies and Procedures

Open Clinic – Physical Therapy/Athletic Training Services - 8:30-11:00AM, Sullivant Hall 291

A/an PT or AT will be available in 291 Sullivant Hall on Friday from 8-10am. 

This appointments may be used for many things:

  • You have an acute injury that you need to have assessed
  • You have an ache or pain for which you would like treatment
  • You have an old injury that is flaring up
  • Advice on how to improve your strength, flexibility, alignment, etc.
  • Instruction on self release/massage techniques

You may also use these times when you are not injured but would like guidance for injury prevention or performance enhancement. Review any screening findings you have been given if you participated in a screening procedure.

After being evaluated, the PT or AT will provide the treatment they have determined is the best for you at that time. These may include hands on/manual techniques, education on stretching, strengthening, alignment, class modification, etc. These services are free and not billed to insurance.

Formal Physical Therapy

Formal physical therapy will be offered at the  Sports Medicine Rehabilitation RPAC or Jameson Crane Sports Medicine Institute. If you have a prescription from a physician for physical therapy can make an appointment at either of these locations.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 614-293-2385.