Internal Space Requests

There are two ways to request space as a member of the Department of Dance. The Space Request Form is for classes and regular rehearsals throughout the semester. The Open Studio and Space Signup calendars are for weekly signup after classes and regular rehearsals are confirmed.

Studio Wellness

As a professional in training, every dancer is responsible for the care of our studios for the benefit and health of all. Use of the studios as a student is akin to renting space in the real world! By submitting a space request, you are agreeing to do the following:

  • No food or drink other than water in the studio
  • Due to food allergies with your fellow dancers and COVID hygiene, please wash your hands after eating before entering ANY space or studio
  • If you are using shoes, only indoor shoes inside the studio; outdoor shoes must be left in shoe cubbies outside the studio
  • Lightly sweep or Swiffer the floors before and after your use
  • Turn off lights
  • Shut windows
  • Clean up when you leave (return furniture/shades to original position, remove trash, etc.)
  • Initial the studio maintenance checklist inside the studio
  • View this sound system operation tutorial to familiarize yourself with proper use of studio equipment.
  • Respect other users. If you believe there is a conflict with your space, please negotiate among yourselves so that both parties may use the space. Please do not "squat" in the space or "kick" anyone out. Contact the Administrative Manager to inform of any conflicts.

Regular Rehearsal Requests

Dancer and Choreographer Contracts Required

As of Autumn 2018, Dancer-Choreographer Contracts are required to retain studio reservations. Choreographers may use either form:

 [.docx - fill in and print for signatures]
Dancer-Choreographe Contract [docusign powerform - complete and sign online]

The purpose of this policy is to promote a culture of safety, professional courtesy, time management, and communication among our student-artists and their student/faculty/staff collaborators. Both undergraduate and graduate student choreographers are responsible for completing their portion of the contract (rehearsal days/times) and requesting all cast members sign the contract within the first two weeks of the rehearsal start-date. All signed contracts must be submitted to the Academic Program Coordinator within two weeks of the rehearsal start-date. Failure to do so will result in loss of rehearsal space. Any breaches of the signed contract from dancers or choreographers should be brought to the attention of the Department Chair, Project Advisor, and Concert Workshop facilitator, as applicable.

Amount of Hours per Week

The Department policy is undergraduate and graduate choreographers may rehearse to a maximum of four (4) hours per week per piece, for department class work and department performances only. MFA project choreographers may rehearse to a maximum of six (6) hours per week per piece.

Priorities and Windows for Scheduling

Each group below lists a "priority deadline" for space requests. Space requests may be submitted earlier than the deadline but in order to be given the appropriate priority for your request, please submit the Space Request Form no later than the listed dated for each semester. Requests submitted early will await their "priority window" for receiving their space assignment. The Space Request Form is password-protected. If you are authorized to reserve space, you will receive the password in an email from the Academic Program Coordinator sent to your OSU email address.

  • Department classes (including faculty warm-up and class prep time)
  • Rehearsals and Production preparation for upcoming performances
  • Faculty
    • Autumn only priority deadline August 1
    • Spring only priority deadline December 1 
  • Graduate students & 4th year BFAs
    • Autumn only priority deadline August 8
    • Spring only priority deadline December 8 
  • 3rd, 2nd, and 1st year BFAs
    • Autumn only priority deadline August 15
    • Spring only priority deadline December 15 

For requests made between the priority date and the 2nd week of classes, space will be assigned on a "first come, first serve" basis. After the 2nd week of classes, please use the Open Studio and Space SignUp. Summer semester only is "first come, first serve" for all department faculty and students. At any time, Department events may supersede space requests.


For regular, reoccurring rehearsals, please use the Space Request Form. This form is available prior to the first day of classes until the third Friday of the semester. After this date, please use the Open Studio and Space SignUp.

Please refer to the Priorities and Windows for Scheduling above.

  1. Review the Space Calendars in Outlook (instructions under Open Studio Sign Up below) to check for availability. While you will be assigned space based on the information you provide, you may list a preference based on availability.
  2. Complete the form as thoroughly as possible because you will be assigned a studio based on the information you provide. For example:
    1. List specific, department sanctioned performances/performance dates, course number, faculty leads, and any other pertinent info.
    2. Your request will be evaluated by availability and the space priority listing based on the details you provide.
    3. The scheduler will not come back to you to ask for more info.
    4. Submit one request per piece/project/person.
  3. Note that if a Department event arises that conflicts with your space assignment, you will be notified by email that you will need to find an alternate arrangement. For example, production week of a Department concert will use additional studios or a special master class may be supersede your rehearsal.
  4. Once submitted, the scheduler will respond to your request with your space assignment within two business days. Please do not contact the Department to inquire about your request unless it has been more than two business days.
  5. If you need to update your request before receiving your assignment, please submit a new form stating the change.
  6. If you need to cancel your request after submission, please email
  7. If you do not need to use a particular portion/date of your request after it has been assigned, please email so that the space may be made available through the Open Studio and Space SignUp.

Open Studio and Space Signup

During COVID-19: While Ohio State Dance has utilized Outlook calendars and a reservation system in the past, this will be enhanced moving forward under the direction of Jonathon Hunter as Safety Coordinator. 

  • Any reservation must be made 24 hours in advance. 
  • Expect that being in the building outside of class will require a reservation. 
  • Reservation times will be limited to allow for overnight cleaning by facility services. 
  • Additional spaces, such as the Media Lab in 247, Graduate Open Desk Space, and the Conditioning Studio, will also utilize reservations.
  • When reserving a studio, you will be required to list others who will be in the studio (e.g. dancers, musicians, or observers).
  • For all reservations, you will be expected to clean high-touch surfaces and/or equipment before and after use.

Post COVID-19: Open Studio and Space SignUp is available to students, faculty and staff in the Department of Dance after the class, repertory and regular rehearsal schedule is set.

  • Slots are available on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Slots are automatically enabled for Monday to Sunday of the current week.
  • Reservations are provisional and contingent on other events or needs that may arise. If a Department event arises that conflicts with your space assignment, you will be notified by email that you will need to find an alternate arrangement


  • The calendars for all Sullivant Studios are available by permission only to authorized users of the Department of Dance through their OSU email and calendar accounts. Please see the Space Request Instructions in order to make short-notice space requests. If you have any issues, please contact Susan Chess.1.